Haskell House

Tour Stop: #7
Current Name: Haskell House
Historic Name: Rice House
Address: 1196 N. Cascade Avenue
Year Completed: 1927
Architectural Style: Colonial Revival
Architect: Thomas P. Barber, Colorado Springs
Designation: National Register
进入:Haskell House是一个住宅,因此不向公众开放.

Ida May Maclaskey Rice, the widow of a prominent Colorado Springs physician, constructed this house in 1927. 她1861年出生于伊利诺伊州,1883年嫁给了里奇菲尔德人大卫·赖斯. Doctor Rice, born in 1855, 1888年在密苏里医学院完成了他的医学研究, and the couple moved to Cheney, Kansas, where he established a practice and their only daughter, Ethel, was born. Following the family's move to Colorado Springs in 1892, 大卫·赖斯成为了矿业百万富翁和慈善家的私人医生, Winfield Scott Stratton. The Stratton connection proved invaluable to Rice, who developed financial interests in mining, transportation, and banking. 大卫·赖斯曾担任科罗拉多斯普林斯和城际铁路公司总裁, 斯特拉顿-跛子溪矿业开发公司的总裁, director of the Exchange National Bank, and vice president of the Portland Gold Mining Company.

When Stratton died in 1902, 大卫·赖斯成为斯特拉顿庞大遗产的受托人之一, 这个角色的职责很快取代了他的医疗实践. 《赌博正规的十大网站》(Colorado Springs Gazette)认为,赖斯博士“在旷日持久的法律斗争中,领导了一些势力,使斯特拉顿的财产不受各种利益集团的侵害,从而要求分得一份遗产,并破坏了斯特拉顿先生的遗嘱. Stratton.赖斯一家住在北特戎街528号,大卫·赖斯于1923年1月在这里去世.

Four years after her husband's death, Ida M. 赖斯在北卡斯卡德大道和西犹他街的西南角建造了这座住宅. Colorado Springs architect Thomas P. 巴伯设计了这座住宅,这是他在这座城市的最后一个有记录的作品. 从19世纪80年代末到1927年,巴伯在科罗拉多斯普林斯从事建筑工作(与其他建筑师合作或单独实践), when he moved to southern California. 1902年,巴伯的弟弟威廉加入了他的合伙企业. 巴伯(Barber)和布罗德(Brother))为这座城市和整个州的建筑制定了计划. The firm specialized in church architecture, producing religious buildings in cities such as Denver, Montrose, Palisade, Trinidad, and Longmont. 科罗拉多斯普林斯的设计包括科罗拉多聋哑人学校校园里的几座建筑, Hibbard & Company (1914), and the Acacia Park Bandstand (1914). The firm also planned several school buildings. In addition, 托马斯·巴伯与其他建筑师合作设计了著名的公共建筑, 比如1904年托马斯·麦克拉伦在国家登记册上列出的科罗拉多斯普林斯市政厅.

This Building in History:

In 1873 Haskell travelled west to Denver, 为了他女儿弗洛伦斯·爱德华兹的健康. She died later in the same year. In her memory, 他向科罗拉多公理会协会提议在落基山脉地区开办第一所大学, Colorado College. 哈斯克尔成为了学院的第一任财务官和他的姐夫, Jonathan Edwards, became the first instructor and executive officer.

艾达·赖斯和一位女管家住在这所房子里,一直住到1937年10月去世. 《全球十大赌博靠谱平台》(Gazette-Telegraph)的一篇讣告称,她是“著名的科罗拉多斯普林斯居民”." Following Mrs. 赖斯去世后,她女儿的家人占据了住所. Harry O. 埃塞尔·普弗(Ethel (Rice) Puffer)和他们的儿子赫伯特(Herbert)在这里住到1941年. Harry Puffer与Puffer Mercantile Company(一家杂货批发公司)有联系. In 1908, he joined the business started by his father, L.A. Puffer, and Milo Rowell at the beginning of the century. By 1940, Harry Puffer headed the enterprise, 其贸易区域从城堡岩延伸到喷泉,从莱德维尔延伸到堪萨斯线.

In March 1941, Edgar L. Study, a "well-known Kansas oilman" from Hutchinson, purchased the house, described as "a handsome two-story red brick structure." Study, who lived here with his wife, Laurel, 继续他在科罗拉多斯普林斯的石油运营商和生产商的职业生涯. 1961年初,赌博正规的十大网站以42,500美元的价格购得这栋住宅,用作学生宿舍. 这座有14个房间的住宅拥有两个壁炉、三个半浴室和一个完整的地下室. 室内设有一个带有弯曲楼梯的中央大厅, a living room with parquet floors and a large fireplace, and an elaborate Italian sunroom.

The college renamed the dwelling "Haskell House," apparently in honor of Reverend Thomas Nelson Haskell, 谁对赌博正规的十大网站的建立起了重要作用. Haskell, born in western New York in 1826, 当他还是个婴儿的时候就随父母搬到了俄亥俄州. In Ohio he attended Miami University, 以及东部的安多弗神学院和联合神学院. 哈斯克尔曾在华盛顿特区的众教会担任牧师.C., Boston, and Aurora, Illinois, and taught Rhetoric, Literature, Aesthetics, and Political Economy at the University of Wisconsin. In early 1873, the Haskell family moved to Denver, 希望气候能改善大女儿的健康, Florence. She died in October 1873, 当月晚些时候,在科罗拉多地区公理会教会的年度会议上,哈斯克尔提议建立一所基督教学院,以纪念他的女儿.

哈斯克尔领导了一个委员会,研究在科罗拉多州各地建立这样一个机构的可行性. In January 1874, Colorado Springs, which had offered land and matching funds, was selected as the site of "The Colorado College." The institution received its charter in February, 哈斯克尔担任了第一届董事会成员和学校的筹款律师. 他努力募集捐款,但没有成功,但哈斯克尔一直留在董事会,直到1878年. Although plagued by poor health in later life, 他是一位多产的作家和教育活动家,直到1906年去世.

这座房子被认为是科罗拉多斯普林斯(Colorado Springs)殖民复兴设计的最佳典范之一. 虽然大多数殖民复兴风格的住宅在20世纪的头二十年里在这个城市建立了框架, 这座住宅是由砖砌成的,采用英式粘结模式. 这所房子现在是一个男女同校的法语沉浸式住宅. Haskell House因其历史和建筑重要性于2006年被列入国家名录.

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