
地址:北纬920号. 级联大道
建筑师:Maurice B. Biscoe,丹佛
Access Level: While 比大厅 is a residence, the first floor is open to the public. 我们要求正在进行的活动不要受到干扰.

形成女子四合院南部边界的是1908年的比米斯大厅, 这是赌博正规的十大网站第四个也是最大的女子宿舍. 都铎复兴风格的建筑以灰色城堡岩流纹岩墙为特色, 一种耐用的建筑石材,也用于第一座学术建筑, 卡特勒大厅, 还有第一所女子宿舍, 蒙哥马利大厅. Mr. 和夫人. 贾德森米. Bemis and Colorado Springs founder General William Jackson Palmer provided the principal donations for the $60,000宿舍. 1833年左右出生于马萨诸塞州, 贾德森·贝米斯靠生产布料和纸袋发家致富. The Bemis Brothers Bag Company operated plants in several major American cities and produced a variety of packaging products. In 1881, 贝米斯为了妻子的健康福利,举家搬到了科罗拉多斯普林斯, 爱丽丝·考格斯韦尔·比米斯. 除了给学院送礼物, she was a founder of the Colorado Springs Day Nursery Association and the Woman's Club, 她向基督教青年会捐赠了土地和金钱. Judson Bemis served as a college trustee during 1912-18 and provided funds to establish its Department of Business Administration and Banking.

丹佛建筑师莫里斯B. 比斯科为这座建筑和六年后的科斯特大厅准备了计划. Biscoe came to Colorado from Boston in 1905 to oversee the construction of Denver's St. 约翰大教堂. 他在首都建立了一家建筑事务所, receiving commissions for a number of residences and buildings such as the Dickinson Branch Library and the Clayton School for Boys. 在科罗拉多斯普林斯,他还参与了迈伦·斯特拉顿之家的建筑设计. In 1920, 比斯科回到波士顿,加入了安德鲁斯公司, 兰图尔和琼斯, 也就是后来的安德鲁斯, 琼斯, 比斯科和惠特曼在1925年. This firm was the successor to Andrews, Jacques and Rantoul, which had designed 1904 帕默大厅.

在贝米斯学院的落成典礼上,威廉·F. 斯洛克姆说:“这栋楼里有很多向善的机会. 它是大学生的家, where the atmosphere is to be that of refinement and cultivation and where the best ideals of a noble life can be realized.宿舍的新住户随后欢迎公众参观他们的宿舍. 老虎评论道, "The girls have spared no effort to make their rooms look as attractive as possible and many exclamations of admiration were heard on all sides." Bemis housed 90 women and featured a medieval-style dining hall with a vaulted ceiling and dark paneled walls, as well as a large common room warmed by a fireplace and furnished by 爱丽丝·考格斯韦尔·比米斯 and her daughters. The architect arranged the building with the rooms for public use on the north so that most student rooms had a southern, 东部, 或者是西方. 老虎预测,在未来的几年里,新的建筑将“出现在校园里”, 但是学院大厅的类型现在已经确定了."


卢米斯小姐还告诉我们. 那年初秋的一个星期天,斯洛克姆亲自点燃了蒙哥马利的供热厂, 天气突然变冷了, 这样大厅里的二十五个姑娘才会舒服些.

大家都说,爱丽丝·考格斯韦尔·比米斯是个了不起的女人. She pioneered the course that her daughter was to follow and then carry on to new dimensions.

女子学院院长的办公室和生活区, 位于建筑的西南角, included a very large plate glass window providing magnificent views of Pikes Peak and the Rampart Range. 露丝。鲁姆斯, who joined the college as the first women's dean in 1897 and held that position until her retirement in 1917, described her negotiations with the architect regarding the design of her quarters in Bemis: "We wanted a great window in the living room of the dean of women which he did not want to give us. He had not been in Colorado long enough then to realize that we never want to be out of sight of mountains. 他只是在抗议下才把窗户给了我们."

卢米斯小姐, 瓦萨学院的毕业生, 规范行为, 保护美德, 塑造了住在宿舍里的女性的性格. 梅布尔·巴比·李, 毕业于赌博正规的十大网站,后来担任院长, recalled that "Dean Loomis felt it was important to give coeds a polish along with strict moral standards . . . 她知道年轻女子应有的一切条件, 以免我们忘记, 我们的壁橱门上钉着一张提醒清单."

The college carefully regulated the lives of its young women students in the early twentieth century. Curfews were tightly enforced, with Bemis and other dormitories locked each night at 10 p.m. 平时和周末的午夜. All social occasions attended by both sexes required the presence of two faculty chaperons. 女性在校内外都不允许吸烟或喝酒. 梅布尔·巴比·李 described the students' irreverent attitude toward Dean Loomis: "She represented the stern disciplinarian to be outwitted, 嘲笑, 并成为笑柄 . . . 经常, 这两个女孩, 对限制感到不满,希望得到男孩们的认可, 嘲笑院长的训诫,模仿她的东方口音." Lee recalled male students boosting their dates through the Bemis fire escape windows long after curfew.

比米斯和其他女性宿舍围绕着女性四合院, a landscaped area with tennis courts that students utilized for a variety of activities, 正如老虎在1924年所描述的:

The first all college serenade in the history of the college was given Friday night. 小夜曲在四合院举行,受到了C.C. 阿特·高的管弦乐队为婚礼提供音乐. 乐队演奏了几首最新的爵士乐曲. 紧随其后的是“科罗拉多大学”. 男人.' All of the fraternities sang one song each … The following fraternity songs were given: 'Sweetheart of Sigma Chi;' 'Dream Girl of Pi Kappa Alpha;' 'Phi Delta Theta for Aye;' 'Kappa Sigma, 《赌博正规的十大网站》、《全球十大赌博靠谱平台》和《全球十大赌博靠谱平台》.“贝塔们比其他人表现得更好,并且设法制造了良好的和谐。. … In addition to the fraternity songs, all the men sang, 'The Black and the Gold' and 'Our Colorado.'

贝米斯大厅成为校园社交生活的中心, "a place where the men and women of the College can come together under dignified and cultivated conditions,老虎解释道. The dining room served three meals a day on tables with "snowy linens and red-shaded lamps" and was large enough to accommodate all the women on campus. At the head of the room the Dean of Women and the senior students occupied a high table. 其他女生宿舍的餐饮服务在贝米斯开放后就停止了.

科格斯韦尔剧院, 以捐赠者爱丽丝·考格斯韦尔·比米斯的名字命名, 从1910年开始在地下室经营. 为了1910年4月10日的盛大开幕, the Girl's Dramatic Club presented the play "Title Mart" to an audience composed mostly of male students. 老虎判断, "The play was a terrific success although some of the cast had not learned their lines.戏剧团体Koshare, 从1929年到1942年,总部设在剧院, 每年至少上演四出戏剧. In 1944, Woodson Tyree reactivated the theater and it received a modern radio control room to facilitate radio workshop projects. 后来,剧院空间被改造并用于其他用途.

1956年,学院在比米斯的东侧建造了泰勒餐厅. 可容纳400人用餐, 泰勒在宿舍为妇女服务, 独立的男人, 教职员工. This marked the first time the college allowed students of both sexes to eat meals together on a regular basis. 餐厅雇佣了18名全职员工和50名兼职学生工人. Meals were served on china made exclusively for the college with an orange design on a beige background. 食堂的名字是为了纪念学院的第一位女董事, 爱丽丝·贝米斯·泰勒, 贾德森和爱丽丝·比米斯的女儿. 泰勒, 因慷慨捐赠而被称为“慷慨夫人”, made substantial contributions and bequests to 科罗拉多大学 and provided funds for the construction of the Colorado Springs Day Nursery building and the 美术中心. 比大厅, 还是学生宿舍, was listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1997 in recognition of its historical and architectural significance.



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