
Current Name: 亚瑟的房子
Historic Name: Edgeplain, Bass House, 亚瑟的房子
地址:北纬1106号. 内华达大道
Year Completed: 1881
Architectural Style: Tudor Revival
师:.C. Willard, 科罗拉多斯普林斯
Designation: National Register

"Laying of the corner stone of our new home, Edgeplain, 是我的男孩, aged three years, now a grandfather. In kilt and tam o'shanter, yellow curls blowing in the wind, he used the trowel and set the stone with a hammer's blow. There was a large gathering. Champagne was not a sin; he broke a bottle on the stone and we served it with a bountiful repast, in a tent near the foundations." -Frances Metcalfe [Bass] Wolcott, 1932

Local architect A.C. Willard designed this unusual stone house for Lyman K. and Frances Bass in 1881. 15美元,000巴斯住宅被认为是1881年科罗拉多斯普林斯建筑环境的重大改善之一. The house has remarkable, 由多色调(白色)矩形块组成的高度装饰性的石墙, 棕褐色, 棕色(的), 红色的, 粉红色的砂岩,宽度和高度各不相同,用彩色灰浆铺在破碎的范围内. The individual stones display a variety of rusticated dressings, 包括啄, 蠕虫的, 岩石面的, 磨砂, 和其他人.

巴斯家族将房子命名为“边缘平原”,因为它位于未开发草原的边缘. 在房子东南角附近的南门廊上,一块刻有“EDGEPLAIN”的石头仍然可见. As one of the first houses built in the vicinity of the college, Edgeplain became an immediate landmark on the landscape. Despite its isolated location, the house included rich paneling, tiled fireplaces, and expensive "jeweled glass" designed by artist John LaFarge. Bass and his wife opened their home to the elite of 科罗拉多斯普林斯. 弗朗西丝写道,他们接待了“来到西部寻求治愈阳光的音乐家和迷人的歌手”, 在我们的客厅里萌发了一个社团,后来成为密西西比河以西最伟大的音乐社团的基础."

Lyman Kidder Bass, born in 1836 in New York, 学习法律,并在布法罗建立了一家律师事务所,合伙人包括格罗弗·克利夫兰. Active in Republican Party politics, Bass served as U.S. Representative for New York's 30th Congressional District (1873-77). 1874年,他娶了美丽而有才华的弗朗西丝·梅特卡夫,她来自布法罗一个显赫的家庭. In the prime of life, 巴斯患上了肺结核,为了恢复每况愈下的健康,他搬到了科罗拉多斯普林斯. 科罗拉多州吸引了许多患有呼吸系统疾病的人,他们正在寻找干燥气候的有益影响, 阳光, 还有新鲜空气. 科罗拉多斯普林斯, 特别是, 吸引了一大群“寻求健康的人”,他们有足够的财产,可以舒适地生活," as early physician Samuel Le Nord Caldwell observed.

Although the state of his health remained uncertain, 莱曼·巴斯成为帕尔默将军在科罗拉多斯普林斯的丹佛和里奥格兰德铁路公司的法律顾问. Frances Bass wrote that her husband was "absorbed" in his work for the D&“他很高兴能和那些国家和帝国的缔造者们在一起.然而,她的丈夫从未完全康复,并于1889年5月在纽约市去世. 《赌博正规的十大网站》称赞这位前国会议员是“这个国家最伟大的铁路顾问之一”."

Following her husband's death, 帕尔默将军协助弗朗西丝·巴斯处理了他们在科罗拉多斯普林斯的房子. 从巴斯去世到1901年被切斯特·艾伦·亚瑟二世和他的妻子买下,这栋房子曾有过几位主人, 玛拉. The son of Chester 亚瑟艾伦, who became 总统 in 1881 following the assassination of James Garfield, 亚瑟艾伦, 正如他所知, attended Princeton University during his father's administration. The younger Arthur "took full advantage of his position, using the president's private car, yacht and passes whenever possible.他参加了华盛顿的社交活动和外交招待会,还曾在父亲不在的时候在白宫为普林斯顿合唱团(Princeton Glee Club)的成员举办派对.

国内外的报纸都把艾伦·阿瑟称为“华盛顿王子”,因为他在上流社会中举止大方. 他进入哥伦比亚大学法学院学习,并计划在1886年短暂的欧洲度假后参加律师考试. Instead, his continental sojourn lasted ten years. 艾伦的儿子, Chester 亚瑟艾伦 III, 他写道,他的父亲“注定要成为爱德华七世时代绅士和欧化美国人的完美典范”." He enjoyed a certain prestige based on his status as the son of a former U.S. 总统, 正如他自己的儿子所说:“他自然具备了那个时代英国人所说的‘悠闲绅士’的所有品质。.' He was handsome and a sportsman. Women were attracted by him, and men liked him because he was a good shot, rode to the hounds with the best, played an excellent game of billiards and could hold his liquor like a gentleman."

After his May 1900 marriage in Switzerland to 玛拉 Fithian Andrews, a wealthy divorcee, 医生建议亚瑟去科罗拉多斯普林斯治疗支气管炎和哮喘. 这对新婚夫妇于1900年10月抵达,艾伦的健康状况在科罗拉多的阳光下迅速好转. 阿瑟一家于1901年收购了埃奇普兰,并聘请了道格拉斯和赫瑟林顿建筑公司, which had designed residential halls at Colorado College, to remodel and expand the house. 由此产生的项目采用了与原始建筑相同的石头,并添加了都铎复兴风格的细节,使住宅成为这对夫妇广泛的晚餐和聚会的合适场所.

总统的儿子开始深入参与派克峰地区的社会生活, forming friendships with some of the city's most prominent citizens. Arthur served as president of the Cheyenne Mountain Country Club, 将顶尖的马球运动员带进组织,使这项运动成为当地人的最爱. 在亚瑟的所有权下,埃奇普兰成为“科罗拉多斯普林斯和丹佛社会领袖的杰出会议场所之一”," according to the Gazette. When Vice 总统 Theodore Roosevelt visited the city in the summer of 1901, he attended a polo match as Arthur's guest and dined at Edgeplain.

In 1922, the Arthurs sold the house for $20,000(加上10美元,000 for the furnishings) to Joseph and Fannie Abraham, who planned to spend summers in the city. 约瑟夫·亚伯拉罕, an Oklahoma businessman, had interests in real estate, glass manufacturing, and the oil and cotton industries. The Phi Delta Theta fraternity occupied the house during 1926-27. 1929年,约翰. 蒙大拿州的夏洛特·谢弗从约瑟夫的遗孀芬妮·亚伯拉罕那里获得了埃奇普兰. 约翰剃须刀, a founder of the Golden Rule department store at Grants Pass, 俄勒冈州, eventually operated a 45-store chain of the businesses in Mon棕褐色a, 华盛顿, 俄勒冈州, 爱达荷州, 北达科他, 和明尼苏达州. Shaver sold his interest in the stores to the J.C. Penney Company in 1927 and relocated to 科罗拉多斯普林斯. 多年来,谢弗夫妇经常访问科罗拉多斯普林斯,并于1907年参加了在埃奇普兰举行的一次聚会. 在他们的新家,夏洛特·谢弗在科罗拉多斯普林斯的佐拉·佐格的指导下学习绘画,成为一名“狂热的园丁”." 约翰剃须刀 reti红色的 from business affairs in 1943, but the couple continued to reside in the house until their deaths in 1960. Briefly used as a three-unit apartment house, 1962年,埃奇普兰从谢弗夫妇的女儿手中购得,成为赌博正规的十大网站的一部分.

学院买下这栋房子是“一项长期计划的一部分,该计划旨在收购毗邻校园的战略地产。." Rumors that it planned to demolish the house were unfounded. Known as "亚瑟的房子," in a nod to one of its most prominent historic owners, 该住所被改建为男子宿舍,后来成为男女混合宿舍. 这座房子因其建筑和历史意义而获得认可,并于2006年被列入国家史迹名录.


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