
“教师, 学生, and 工作人员 of 科罗拉多大学 are perfectly situated to wrestle with the implications of generative AI. We are a place where learning, re搜索, innovation, ethics, and dialogue intersect. The experts in our interdisciplinary community can lead conversations and projects that interrogate and explore both the foundations and future of AI. As an institution that strives to foster the ethical creation of knowledge, we can rise to this challenge without trepidation and without acquiescing to the inertia of educational technology. 我们可以在探索的过程中提出棘手的问题. 赌博正规的十大网站就是为这个挑战和机遇而生的."


As we grapple with the realities and possibilities of generative AI, it is helpful to keep in mind this popular refrain: Today’s AI is the worst you’ll ever use. 这既不能为其已知的偏见和局限性开脱, 也没有邀请我们采取观望态度. Rather, it reminds us that we are on the precipice of something big and unknown. 我们可以塑造它和我们自己的未来.  

CC很少有人能声称自己是人工智能方面的专家. 但我们都是人工智能的探索者. 具有广泛学科专长的探索者, 方法, 教育学, and perspectives that help us connect the dots to between the applications, 问题, 担忧, 以及伴随着人工智能的机遇. 我们将通过课堂实验来做到这一点, 正式和非正式对话, and revisiting our current practices to see how they best prepare our 学生 for tomorrow. 

But our collective exploration must keep the values and priorities of CC ever present. It is through our lens and pillars that we must approach our conversations on AI. For example: Given the inherent biases and ethical 担忧 of large language models, 作为一个使用人工智能的反种族主义机构意味着什么? What impacts does AI have on our Sustainable Development Goals when the computing systems running ChatGPT consume a bottle of water while processing a single conversation? What impacts has AI already had on the mental health of our 学生, especially when it comes to classroom expectations and academic integrity? 

同时, approaching such 问题 from a deficit perspective—we can’t use AI because it doesn’t align with who we are—does not get us very far. Tools such as ChatGPT are only one manifestation of the possibilities of generative AI. 我们应该决定使用哪些工具, 它们是如何工作的, 当它们适用时, and where their limits lie as we foster modes of critical inquiry amongst our 学生. 

我们需要继续成为探索者, 发扬CC的使命, which states: “Drawing upon the adventurous spirit of the Rocky Mountain West, 我们挑战学生, 一次一道菜, to develop those habits of intellect and imagination that will prepare them for learning and leadership throughout their lives." 

为此,冒险地使用人工智能意味着什么? 人工智能如何培养智力和想象力的习惯? How do we prepare 学生 for the learning and leadership they will experience—with the omnipresence of AI—for the rest of their lives? 

人工智能不是一个需要解决的谜题. 这些点将继续出现,排列和重新排列. 但这也是文科学习的内在本质. 环境的转变. 我们试图通过批判性的探究来理解. Together, as always, we can design the preferred future that we want to have.  

言语是伟大的,但行动更伟大. 下面是你接下来可以做的. 

  • 参观 CC的人工智能 皇冠中心网站上的网页. Here you will find an ongoing list of resources and events to help you further explore. This includes an excellent series of videos put out by the Wharton School at University of Pennsylvania, 名为“面向师生的实用人工智能”.” 
  • 在每个教学大纲中添加AI使用说明. As educators we need to make clear to our 学生 our individual expectations, letting 学生 know how AI may or may not be employed during the course. 皇冠网站提供了制作这样一份声明的资源, including some suggestions thoughtfully provided by the student members of the CC Honor Council. 


  • 参加和/或领导一场关于AI的王冠对话. 整个2023-24学年, we will host two conversations each block to help us better understand the specific usage, 担忧, AI在CC的机会. Please join us on Tuesday, November 7, at noon (Tutt 411/412) to discuss “AI和CC荣誉守则." The block 4 conversations will provide an introduction to generative AI as well as the ethics of the large language models behind tools such as ChatGPT. 


  • 告诉我们你在用人工智能做什么. Please share your explorations with AI each other and with the Interim Director of the Crown Center, 瑞安Banagale. If you wish to provide anonymous feedback on how you are working with and/or thinking about AI, 你可以 完成这个简短的调查. Feedback such as this will help us better provide both resources and future programming. 

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在2023- 2024学年, The Crown Center for Teaching will invite and cultivate active conversation among all members of our community--faculty, 工作人员, and 学生--as we continue to contemplate the ways artificial intelligence affects our collective work as educators.  If you would like to lead a discussion and/or suggest a topic, please email Interim Director, 瑞安Banagale.


  • "Work of the College" Panel Discussion on 人工智能 (10/27/23)
  • “AI和CC荣誉守则" - Tuesday, 11/7/23 @ 12:00 - Tutt 411/412


  • "An Intro to Generative AI" - Thursday, 12/7/23 @ 12:15pm - South Hall Commons
  • "The Ethics of chatGPT" - Thursday, 12/14/23 @ 12:15pm - South Hall Commons


除了我们的面对面谈话和研讨会, we will also share out information that can help us engage in such efforts. Please let us know of any resources you think would be useful for us to highlight.

不知道从哪里开始? Try this five-part video series called Practical AI for Instructors and 学生, prepared by the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. It takes only about an hour in total to go from fundamental 问题 about AI, 大型语言模型是如何工作的, 为教师和学生制作基本提示. 值得注意的是, 然而, that the aim of these videos is to address how generative AI functions. 他们不直接解决偏见问题. 



报告问题 - 最后更新: 12/04/2023