
Annual and Biennial 教师 Performance and Salary Evaluation Information


X. 教师薪酬及福利

Each fall the 教师 Salary Committee (the faculty members on the Compensation Committee) issues a
salary report to the faculty and the administration. 委员会的报告以薪酬为依据
data from other colleges and universities, the current report of the 科罗拉多大学 chapter of the
American Association of University Professors, and conversation with the Budget and Planning
Subcommittee of the 教师 Executive Committee. The administration takes the Salary Committee's
data and recommendations into consideration each year in preparing the College budget.

Each fall department chairs invite non-tenured members of their department to submit by semester's
end a description of their professional accomplishments over the past year, using as guidelines the
standards for scholarship, effective teaching and advising, department and College service, and
professional and civic activities that are set forth in this Handbook. 主席同意对…的评价
performance with the faculty member and informs the Divisional Executive Committee of the
performance and salary recommendations, and the Divisional Executive Committee submits its own
向院长提出的建议. The Dean bases her or his salary recommendations to the President on
both departmental and Divisional Executive Committee evaluations. 给教员的年薪信
specify the amounts allocated to each component in the salary model used in the calculation of the total

Tenured faculty members participate in salary reviews every other year.

Biennial 教师 Activity Report and Salary Reviews - usually due to the chairs in January

Tenured associate and full professors, and lecturers will submit salary reviews every two years. 

Tenure-track pre-tenure faculty will submit reviews annually.

Department chair and program directors 不 need to have another person evaluate their self-report. The divisional executive committee will review. 请 ask another departmental colleague to review a chair's self-report.

部门 and 项目 A-F (Years 2022-23, 2024-25)

教师 on this biennial cycle will begin to prepare their report late fall and chairs will submit their evaluations in Spring.

Art; Anthropology; Organismal Biology and Ecology (previously Biology); Chemistry and Biochemistry; Classics; Comparative Literature; Theatre and Dance (previously Drama and Dance); Economics and Business; Education; English; Environmental Studies; Feminist and Gender Studies; French

部门 and 项目 G-Z (Years 2023-24, 2025-26)

教师 on this biennial cycle will begin to prepare their report late fall (e.g., Fall 2023) and chairs will submit their evaluations in spring (e.g.(2024年春季).

Geology; Chinese, 德国, 意大利, 日本, 俄罗斯研究(CGIJRS), previously GREAL); History; Human Biology and Kinesiology; Mathematics and Computer Science; Molecular Biology; Music; Philosophy; Physics; Political Science; Psychology; Race, 种族, and Migration Studies; Religion; Sociology; Southwest Studies; Spanish and Portuguese


Process for Determining 教师 Salary Increase

An across-the-board raise (a percentage amount) and progression through the rank increase (a percentage or a fixed dollar amount, aka standard merit) are calculated annually for all regular faculty, 不管是否在审查中.


在秋季学期末, the Office of the 学院院长 sends to faculty an overview memo for the process of faculty activity self report and evaluations. 看到 学院画布页面的院长 查看最近的工资备忘录和表格.

Each faculty member in the year's review cycle will submit their activity report and CV online. The online form will be available to the chairs for their review. The due date for the faculty members' self report is typically during half block or beginning of block 5. The chair and each faculty member should schedule a time during the spring semester to discuss the faculty member's report, 讨论他们的表现和成功, 未来的目标, 专业发展需要.

椅子, after reviewing the faculty's activity report and CV, submit their appraisal and salary recommendation on the online chairs and directors form. 椅子' evaluation is typically due at the end of Block 5 or beginning of Block 6. Each faculty member's materials along with the chair's appraisal and recommendation will then be made available to the Divisional Executive Committee and the 学院院长 for review. 

Chairs may recommend a standard merit increase (normal progression through the ranks), standard merit plus an exceptional-merit bonus, a partial merit (less than standard merit increase), 或者没有增长. 


报告问题 - 最后更新: 12/06/2022