Definitions and Jurisdiction

II. Definitions


  • Accountability: Refers to the process by which a student acknowledges or is assigned responsibility for behaviors which have harmed the community; and through which the student agrees to, or is asked to, 采取措施修复这些伤害和/或减轻未来的伤害.
  • Alleged Student: Any student charged with an alleged violation of a policy.
  • Administrative Panel: A type of community standards conduct conference 其中包括两到三名受过专门训练的学院工作人员,他们被授权决定是否录取 alleged student 违反了学校的政策,可能会被罚款吗 sanctions up to and including Dismissal.
  • Charge: Refers to an allegation of a potential violation of a policy. 收费是在社区标准和行为经理确定存在足够的信息以持有 conference or panel 确定一个学生(或几个学生)是否违反了 policy (or policy).
  • College Official: Refers to all faculty, staff, or other employee of the College
  • College Premises: Includes all land, buildings, facilities, and other property owned, leased, operated, supervised, used or controlled by the College, including all adjacent streets and sidewalks.
  • Conference: 为被指控的学生提供机会对特定事件作出回应的过程 charge or The purpose of a conference is to determine if a preponderance of information 要支持收费,如果是,要确定适当的 sanctions or sanctions. 会议可能包括与住宿生活协调员或社区标准和行为经理的一对一会议, a Student Community Standards Panel, an Administrative Panel, or a Restorative Justice Conference. 与住宿生活协调员或社区标准和行为经理进行一对一的会议 sanctions up to and including Disciplinary Probation.
  • Faculty: Any person hired by the College 进行课堂、教学或研究活动.
  • Hearing Body: 指一个人或一群人,在某一案件中负责作出决定 Conference. 这可能包括一个住宿生活协调员,社区标准和行为经理,一个 Student Community Standards Panel, or an Administrative Panel.
  • Hostile Environment: 指的是一个人的行为所处的情境, statements, or behaviors are severe, persistent, 或普遍到足以创造一种工作或教育环境,一个处于类似情况的理性人会在法律保护的基础上考虑恐吓或虐待. 敌对环境的确定必须以围绕指称的行动的所有情况的累积总和为基础, statements, or behaviors.
  • Illicit Drugs: 指附表一至V所界定的“受管制物质”, Section 202 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. Section 812) and related regulations (21 C.F.R. 1308.11 through 1308.15)经修订,及/或《赌博正规的十大网站》第18卷第18条第2部分经修订.
  • May: This term is used in the permissive sense.
  • Member of the College community: Any person who is a student, faculty, or staff, or any other person employed by the College or by a company contracted to provide services to the College.
  • Organization: 以赌博正规的十大网站为主要会员的任何团体 students including but not limited to academic, athletics, recreational, religious, performance, political, or social. 而所有被认可的学生组织都被认为是组织, 学院可以识别未被正式认可的学生群体 the College as an organization for the purposes of this policy.
  • Policy: 指《赌博正规的十大网站》中包含的任何行为期望, 包括但不限于学生社区标准中规定的内容. 这些政策应被广泛解读,而不是为了详尽地定义被禁止的行为.
  • Retaliation: 针对他人善意举报的违法行为而采取的任何不利行动 the College,或参与与调查或解决报告有关的任何程序.
  • Sanction: 指的是响应或要求,由 the College for a student 谁被发现对通过a违反政策负责 conference.
  • Shall: This term is used in the imperative sense.
  • Staff: Refers to any person who is employed by the College that is not defined as faculty.
  • Student: 任何已经接受录取通知书的人,和/或正在参加学校课程的人 the College, either full-time or part-time, 他们要么是目前注册的,要么是在上一个区块注册的,然后注册了未来的区块. Individuals who withdraw after allegedly violating a policy,或者没有正式注册但与学校有持续关系的人 the College are considered to be students.
  • Student Community Standards Panel: A type of community standards conduct conference 这涉及到两名受过特殊训练的学生和一名被授权的学院工作人员,他们可以决定是否要 alleged student 违反了学校的政策,可能会被罚款吗 sanctions up to and including Suspension.
  • The College: Refers to Colorado College
  • Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students: 由学院院长指定的负责管理学生社区标准和行为程序的人员. 负责学生生活的副校长/教务长可以指派一名或多名指定人员来履行这些职责.

III. Jurisdiction

通过接受赌博正规的十大网站的录取和注册, 学生有义务与赌博正规的十大网站的价值观保持一致, the Student Community Standards, other Colorado College policies and procedures, and all applicable laws. 学生社区标准和行为程序, 以及其他适用的赌博正规的十大网站政策和程序应适用于发生在学院场所的所有行为, at College sponsored event or programs, 参加与学院有正式或非正式联系的任何组织有关的活动, or off-campus.

学生社区标准也适用于从学生被学院录取到学生完成毕业的任何时间发生的行为, including during the summers and between semesters. 学院保留对学期结束后和毕业前的过渡期间发生的行为作出反应的权利.

学生社区标准和行为程序适用于学生个人和学生群体(非正式和大学认可的群体)的行为。. 当学生接待违反学院政策的客人时,学生社区标准也适用. 在这种情况下,学生可能会对客人的不当行为负责.

Report an issue - Last updated: 10/24/2022