
As an 教育 机构, Colorado College attempts to educate its 社区 members about unlawful use of alcohol and to 鼓励 合适的, 负责任的 behavior. Abiding by this policy is a 条件 of 继续 招生 for students. However, no policy can cover all possible 的情况下. When this policy is not specific on a certain point, 学生, student 组织中, and 员工 are expected to conduct their 活动 in a socially 负责任的 manner, and 制裁 may be invoked for failure to do so. The college 鼓励 旁观者 干预, and 因此 reserves the right to offer a reprieve from 制裁 in certain 的情况下 涉及 the abuse of alcohol. This is outlined in the Student Conduct 程序 section of the Student Code of Conduct.

These policies are intended to be applied within the context of Colorado Law, in 合规 with the 1989 修正案 to the 无毒 Schools and 社区 Act, and in the spirit of 负责任的 drinking. When applying these 政策, the 的关系 of the student or student group to the college, the type of 情况下, and the location are all factors of 考虑.


个人 学生/非官方 Groups of Students

  • Students may be held 负责任的 for 个人 违反 of this policy.
  • Students who are members of an 非官方的 group (such as students who share an 公寓 or 校外 house may be held 负责任的 to the policy as both an 个人 student and a member of a group.

注册 Student 组织/正式 公认的 Groups of Students

  • Student 组织 and other 正式 公认的 student groups will be held 负责任的 through the 的指导方针 for Student 组织中, NCAA 指导方针, and other such group 规定. In 另外, 个人 members may also face 个人 制裁 for their 行为.


There are two common types of 的情况下 with alcohol. The first are 正式 注册 and approved events at the college. The second is any 事件/次 with alcohol that is not approved by the college as a function. These events are still subject to the alcohol policy. Students who live in the Western Ridge 公寓 may also register to host events in the privacy of their 公寓. For more 信息 on these 程序, please refer to the Western Ridge Hosting 的指导方针 in the 住宅 Life and Housing procedure section.


住宅 设施

Students residing in college 住宅 设施 are expected to uphold state and federal laws as well as 演示 考虑 of 邻居 and peers. The 后 policies relate to alcohol 消费 and use in student 住宅 halls:

  • Students who are 21 years old and older may only possess and consume alcohol in the privacy of their own 房间/公寓 or in the privacy of the 房间/公寓 of another student who is also 21 or older, provided they have 许可 from the hosting 学生(s).
  • Open 容器 of alcohol are 禁止 in all common areas of student 住宅 建筑 and 周围 outside areas, with the 异常 of 注册 campus 功能.
  • If all of the students assigned to a room are under the age of 21, it is not 允许的 for them to ever have any type of alcohol in their room (even if someone visiting is over the age of 21). Underage use of hard alcohol (任何 above 25 percent alcohol content by volume or 50 proof) may warrant an elevated response from the college as underage use of such 饮料 results in 显著 greater risk of 实质性的 障碍 or alcohol toxicity (alcohol 中毒).
  • Kegs, keg shells, 星球大战, mini-kegs, or other keg 配件 are not 允许.
  • Drinking games and the 行为 that they 鼓励 are 禁止 at Colorado College.
  • Brewing and/or 蒸馏 含酒精的 饮料 is not 允许.
  • Large 量 of empty alcohol 容器 may not be stored or placed in windows, as they may block possible fire exits.
  • 中断 in any 住宅 社区 (noise, 战斗, 破坏公物 or property damage, and/or leaving toilets 不清洁 after 呕吐) as a result of alcohol 中毒 will not be 容忍 and may result in elevated 制裁.

Other Campus 设施

Alcohol is not 允许 on or in any other campus property or facility unless it is at a 预先批准的 function. This includes academic 建筑, athletic 设施, and outdoor 位置. In 另外, alcohol is 禁止 for both players and 官员 at indoor or outdoor 校际, 校内, or club sport 活动.

Outdoor Campus 位置

In 根据 with the Colorado Springs Open 容器 Law, the college 禁止 alcohol in outdoor campus areas, unless 包含 within the 建立了 周长 of a 预先批准的 function.

校外 Houses and 周围 属性

  • 周围 property may be subject to the Colorado Springs Open 容器 Law.
  • Students who host parties in 校外 houses are subject to the spirit of social host 责任 as well as any laws and college policies that apply. (Refer also to “校外 Hosting and 行为” in Student Code of Conduct section.)

In addition to internal 纪律 制裁, any student who is 被判有罪 of unlawful use, 占有, 分布, 制造、 or 调剂 of illicit drugs or alcohol may be subject to 适用的 criminal 制裁 under local, state, and federal law. 处罚 range in severity from 相对 minor fines to fines of several million dollars. 监禁 is also a 的可能性, for terms ranging from six months to a life sentence.

College Response

Because of the risk to students from binge 喝酒, students who drink to the point of 疾病, 迷失方向, or a 半清醒的 or 无意识的 state have 濒临灭绝的 their health and will face a response from the college, 包括 潜在的 contact of 父母亲 or legal 监护人(s). For further 讨论 about this issue, please see the Parent 通知 声明 in the Guide for Parents section of the Student Code of Conduct.

In 另外, 陶醉 students who disrupt 住宅 社区 with 参数 or 冲突, noise, 破坏公物, and/or vomit left in 浴室 or other areas, risk removal from the college, having 证明了 an 没有能力 or 不情愿 to respect the 教育 环境.

Students 有关 about possible conduct 影响 that might arise from 提供 the college with notice of 潜在的 acts of 不当行为 or that might arise from seeking medical 援助 when someone has 过度食用 alcohol, should 理解 that there can be a reprieve from 制裁 under 适当的 情况下. Please see 信息 found within the 哲学 section of the Student Code of Conduct for more 信息 about 缓刑 from 制裁.

Guide to 注册 功能


While the 学院的 alcohol policy reflects current 解释 of federal, state, and local laws 管理 the 占有, 分布, and use of alcohol, it also 表达 the 学院的 承诺 to 负责任的 drinking and behavior. The 后 规定 apply to all 功能 赞助 by college groups on and off campus. 是非大学 groups that use college 设施 may not serve alcohol.

Colorado Law

Colorado law 禁止 消费 of 含酒精的 饮料 by people under age 21. The law also imposes social host 责任 on people who serve alcohol, or permit it to be served, to minors, visibly 陶醉 persons, or habitual 醉酒的.

Sale of 含酒精的 饮料

Any attempt to sell 含酒精的 饮料 without a license violates the Colorado State Liquor Code and is subject to college 纪律 action. A special events permit can be obtained from the Colorado Springs city clerk's office in order to sell 含酒精的 饮料 at a 特定的 college event.

定义 of a Function

For the purposes of this policy, “功能” is defined as a 收集 赞助 by Colorado College, or any of its 正式 公认的 组成 groups, at which alcohol is served. 功能 must be approved in advance by the process 描述 below. The presence of alcohol at these 功能 creates a need to manage the activity with care and to be more 有关 with the conduct of those present. Those who plan or choose to attend 功能 where 含酒精的 饮料 will be served and consumed must assume 责任 for the 后果 of their actions.


Function 登记 offers a number of benefits to the college 社区 and the function 赞助商: it requires the sponsors to think through their plans 小心翼翼地 and to 识别 their 责任 in 赞助 a function with alcohol. It allows college staff to 沟通 directly with the function sponsors if a problem occurs, as an 替代 to security 检查 the function. Function 登记 is not for the purpose of 管教 学生, but rather to promote safety and 沟通 between college staff and students.

The college holds hosts of student 功能 and officers of student 组织 具体地说 负责任的 for the 活动 of their 组织, members, and guests. Any student or student 组织 that intends to sponsor a function will be required to:

  • Have two members of the 组织 负责任的 for the function attend a college-赞助 alcohol 教育 取向.
  • Meet with the 联系 Dean of Students for approval of the function.

校外 College 功能

College 功能 that take place 校外 at 机构 licensed to sell alcohol are subject to the 学院的 alcohol policy, and are subject to the 程序 for 校外 功能.

College 功能 that take place 校外 at 位置 not licensed to sell alcohol are governed by the 学院的 alcohol policy.

Federal, state, and local laws (and not the 学院的 alcohol policy) govern 校外 employee-赞助 功能, such as class parties and field trips; however, sponsors have the right to prohibit alcohol 消费.

The Stabler-Gilmore cabin and Baca campus are 被认为是 校园 and are governed by the 学院的 alcohol policy.

程序 for Student 功能 On Campus When Alcohol is Served

  1. Student 功能 must be approved by the Chief of Staff. 登记 forms should be received by the Chief of Staff at least two weeks prior to the function. Sponsors must follow the ”程序 for Student 功能 On Campus When Alcohol is Served."
  2. 位置 must be fitting for the event. Approval will depend upon time, intent, and expected 出席.
  3. A standing permit for the sale of 含酒精的 饮料 is in place for Worner Campus Center. Permits allowing the sale of alcohol outside of Worner Center are 可用 on a limited basis. The Campus 活动 Office will manage the 赋值 of these permits to specific events.
  4. 适当的 保管的 services must be arranged at least seven days in advance per the approval of the 联系 dean of students.
  5. Beer and wine are the only two 含酒精的 饮料 that may be served at 学生支持 功能.

Student 功能 with Beer:

  1. Hosts for events serving beer must attend a college-赞助 alcohol-host 责任 training.
  2. Beer must be sold at a minimum cost of $3 per beer, unless an 备用 安排 is 讨论了 and approved by the 联系 dean of students.
  3. Beer must be served by trained Bon Appetit staff or by a licensed 酒保. Official 识别 must be checked to verify legal drinking age.
  4. 专业 security must be hired based on the 后: a minimum of one guard for every 100 persons expected. 额外的 security may be required at the 自由裁量权 of the 联系 Dean of Students.
  5. The amount of beer 允许 will depend upon the number expected to attend who are over age 21. Amount approved will be no greater than one keg per 50 legal drinkers 预期, 依赖 upon length of event and approval.
  6. 不含酒精的 饮料 and food must be 可用 在 the entire event. The 延续 of alcohol service is 依赖 upon the 可用性 of food and 不含酒精的 饮料 在 the duration of alcohol service.
  7. Campus 宣传 for 功能 may not include 参考, verbal, written, 图示, or 否则, to the 可用性 of alcohol. Failure to observe this policy may result in 取消 of the event or other 纪律 action.

Student 功能 with Wine:

  • Hosts for events serving wine must attend a college-赞助 alcohol-host 责任 training.
  • Wine may only be served at 功能 whose 出席 is 确定 by an 邀请 list.
  • The number of students in 出席 must not exceed 25 unless approved for a greater number by the 联系 dean of students.
  • More than ½ of the students in 出席 must be over the age of 21.
  • 功能 which involve use of wine must be dinners or 招待会 with “重大 food" as approved by a 住宅 Life and Housing 协调员 or the 联系 dean of students.
  • 功能 hosted by a 住宅 Life and Housing 社区 and which take place in a 住宅 common area may be approved by the 负责任的 住宅 Life and Housing 协调员.
  • 功能 which take place in any campus 多用途 space (保留 through Worner Center Desk) must be approved by the 联系 dean of students.

Health Risks and 资源

The health risks 相关的 with the abuse of alcohol and the use of illicit drugs are numerous. They include 营养不良, brain damage, heart disease, 胰腺炎, 肝硬化 of the liver, 情感 illness, coma, and death. In 另外, use during 怀孕 危害 the fetus. Personal 的关系 and the ability to work and study are at risk. There is also the 可能性 of blackout (临时 amnesia) when a person consumes a large amount of alcohol in a short period of time.

The college 认识到 that chemical 依赖 of any sort is a major health problem and 鼓励 students who need help in 克服 such 依赖 to use the 咨询, 治疗, and 康复 programs 描述 in this policy.

College 资源

Drug and alcohol 保密 评估, 推荐, and 咨询 are 可用 to students at 种子 Health Center (for more 信息 contact 389-6093). The 住宅 Life and Housing staff, student life 管理员, legal counsel, human 资源, and 种子 Health Center 咨询 staff can provide 信息 or 咨询 on the 生理、 心理上的, and legal aspects of drug and alcohol use. For more 信息, please contact their offices.

社区 资源

The 后 社区 咨询, 治疗, and 康复 programs are 可用 to 学生:

The Center for 行为 健康/圣. Francis Health Center
Riegel Center
Referral Center

酗酒者 匿名 (24 hour) 573-5020
Al-Anon 632-0063
Cocaine Hotline 1-800-262-2463
TESSA 633-3819
El Paso County Health 部门, Drug 治疗 Clinic 578-3150
毒品 匿名 637-1580
National 清算所 for Alcohol & Drug 信息 1-800-729-6686
Pikes Peak Mental Health
Chemical 依赖 紧急 (24 hour)
Crisis Center
General 信息

Suicide 预防 伙伴关系
Crisis Center
Youth Power 1-800-258-2766
报告问题 - 最后更新: 01/25/2021