
总统委员会 is a representative body of students who serve in an advisory role to the President of the college. Members of the 总统委员会 have the unique opportunity to contribute to institution-wide decisions by ensuring the President is aware of, 和理解, 学生不断变化的需求和兴趣. The Council meets with the President and/or various college leaders once per block.




嗨,我叫塞缪尔·卡尔,我用他/他代词. I am a sophomore from Seattle, Washington, majoring in Mathematical 经济学. I am a captain of the club baseball team and plan to further my involvement on campus this year! I enjoy skiing, fishing, hiking, and spending time with friends in my free time. At home, I appreciate working outside and Seattle during the summertime. 今年,我很高兴能帮助每个人在学校有所作为!



嗨,我的名字是罗伊斯Hinojosa(他/他),我是一名大二学生 从杜兰戈州, CO, 商科双学位, 经济学, and Society and Philosophy on the pre-law track as a 2022 Boettcher Foundation Scholar. I have numerous manuscript publications focusing on environmental and rural education in partnership with Fort Lewis College, 盖茨家族基金会, 山地研究所, 以及伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校. And I am excited to continue advocating for students, especially here at CC! I am deeply passionate about our community and am involved with Outreach on CCSGA, 俱乐部北欧滑雪队, 和社会责任委员会. 

Anjolie Konrath


你好! 我叫Anjolie Konrath, 我是布鲁姆菲尔德的大四学生, 科罗拉多州 majoring in Molecular Biology and double minoring in Religion and Human Biology & 运动机能学. 这是我第三年担任住宿顾问, 第二年共同领导CC学生为基督, 第一年在CC的新俱乐部协助财务工作, 争取自由的美国青年. I adore 科罗拉多大学 and the extended 科罗拉多州 Springs community where I’ve had countless opportunities to develop professionally and pursue my personal interests. In my free time, I love to bike, read, and practice my videography skills with Jesus Co.是当地的一个敬拜团体. I joined the President’s Council to be a voice for underrepresented faith and political groups on campus with the ultimate goal of encouraging an environment at CC where everyone has the confidence and agency to voice their opinion. It’s my hope that we can welcome those with different backgrounds and life experiences into conversations that carry on in life after college. 



我的名字是凯特·李,我用她/她的代词. 我今年大四了,这是我在会长委员会的第三年. I am majoring in International Political Economy and minoring in Chinese. 我参加了CC的阿卡贝拉小组, Ellement, as well as State of the Rockies and am the broadcasting manager for our esports teams. I am really excited to be a part of the President’s council again this year and hope that I can make a positive impact on CC.



My name is 索菲娅里斯 (she/her) and I am a sophomore from Denver, 科罗拉多州. 我的专业目前还没有决定, though I am passionate about helping others and hope to incorporate this in my future path of study. I am part of the Bonner Fellowship and work closely with the 合作促进社区参与 to create change in the 科罗拉多州 Springs community, something I hope to bring to the student body at large as a member of President’s Council. I also contribute to The Catalyst 新闻paper as the weekly film columnist. I am excited to work with my peers and the President’s Office to make a positive impact on the CC community!



艾玛·洛根 is a CC senior and 2020 Boettcher Scholar from Denver, 科罗拉多州. 作为丹佛公立学校的终身蒙台梭利学生, she has a strong passion for educational and youth advocacy/nonprofit work and hopes to work in these settings post-graduation. She brings to 总统委员会 professional experience at the 科罗拉多州 General Assembly, 为美国而教, Gary Community Ventures, 一个科罗拉多州, 科罗拉多州的奥秘, 孩子们的活动, 科罗拉多斯普林斯公园, 娱乐, & 文化服务. 艾玛还参与了校园荣誉委员会, CC电台的声音, 招生办公室, 他还是学院单口喜剧俱乐部的主任.



大家好!! My name is Charlotte and I'm a sophomore who is majoring in Philosophy and minoring in Spanish and Journalism. I am a writer for The Catalyst student newspaper and a freshman peer mentor, as well as an active participant of Dance Workshop and an unofficial cosmetologist for college students. In my free time, I love to write, cook, watch films, and work at the farmer's market. 我很荣幸能成为今年总统委员会的一员, 我很兴奋能学习, 成长, 帮助我的社区度过这样一条美好的道路.



My name is 本·墨菲, and I am a junior majoring in Business, 经济学, and Society. I am from Seattle, Washington but grew up abroad in South Africa, Israel, and Japan. Much of my involvement outside of the classroom takes place in the City of 科罗拉多州 Springs where I worked with the Quad Innovation Alliance and Exponential Impact. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to be more involved on campus through the 总统委员会.



My name is 韦德Noelke, and I am a senior English Literature major and Ancient World minor. I am the founder and current President of the Caprese Trout Running Club and work as a Game-Day Arena Specialist at the Ed Robson Hockey Arena. I have a strong passion for public service which began during my high school days in Austin, 德州, 我很高兴能继续与 总统办公室和 my fellow council members to help make 科罗拉多大学 the best version of itself. 我相信我的优势在于职业道德, 专业的沟通, 创造力, 善良有助于支持我作为学校领导者的角色. 我喜欢参观国家公园, 接收图书推荐, 在空闲时间与家人和朋友共度时光.



My name is 苔丝李敦白 (she/her) and I am a junior majoring in Sociology and minoring in Spanish from Denver, 科罗拉多州. I am the Co-President of 科罗拉多大学 Disability Alliance and the General Manager of Theatre Workshop. I am also an 入学s Ambassador and serve on the Sociology Advisory Board. I am excited to amplify student voices and make change on President’s Council this year! 

报告问题 - 最后更新: 04/23/2024