

Shove Chapel 和 the 牧师的办公室 at 科罗拉多大学 host a diversity of religious 和 spiritual communities. The 牧师的办公室 seeks to 支持 students of all religious, spiritual, 和 seeking backgrounds. 有些社区可能不会出现在我们的网站上. If you don't see what you're looking for, contact the 牧师的办公室 我们会帮你建立联系.

During the 2022-23 academic year, some 精神生活 社区 may meet in person 和 online. If you need 支持 connecting, please contact the 牧师的办公室.



联系 牧师的办公室 了解更多信息.


Offers traditional Buddhist teachings to enrich contemporary life. 每周二下午5:30-6:30进行在线集体冥想.m. 星期六上午9点到11点.m. 请联系 菩提心中心 获取更多信息和缩放链接.


Seeks to help students nurture their faith through regular dinners, 事件, 撤退, 社会, 服务的机会, 和 每周下午8点弥撒.我在普塞教堂. For more information, please contact student leaders, 阿曼达·马丁的23 安东尼奥·桑切斯的24;  Sr.安娜Cloughy, or Fr. 乔Dygert.


Gathers periodically for a meal 和 scripture study. The group en勇气s students to discover how the true nature of each individual is spiritual, 作为上帝的孩子, 以及上帝无限的仁慈, 通过祈祷实现, 治愈. 联系 彼得Husak 了解更多信息.


The Latter Day Saint 社区 is small but active at CC. Most activities happen off campus at the Jamboree building (8295 Jamboree Circle, directly across the street from the Chapel Hills Mall). 每周日上午11点去教堂.m. - 2 p.m. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 杰克索伦森.


Cru is a caring community that is passionate about connecting students with each other 和 with Jesus Christ. 我们在为友谊创造一个安全的空间, 支持, 和 identity development 和 for students to both explore 和 grow in the Christian faith. 加入我们每周的圣经学习, gatherings with other students in Colorado Springs, 撤退, 和更多的! 联系 多尔年轻的23 or 乍得佐佐木的23 学习更多.


An inclusive Jewish community that gathers for Shabbat, holidays, study 和 community building. Kosher-style Shabbat dinners every Friday of the block at 6:30 in the Interfaith 精神生活 House. Information about holidays 和 rides to Temple is available from 科比·Chumash犹太人生活协调员.


Throughout the academic year, the 印度教学生协会 为法会聚集, 学习,偶尔的静修,和社区. 与…合作 SASA(南亚学生协会)有 celebrations for Diwali 和 Holi among others holidays on campus. 在那里   periodic opportunities to connect with the local Colorado Springs 和 Denver Hindu 社区. The HSA provides a welcoming 和 inclusive space for all Hindu students on campus, however 你可以选择订婚. 联系 巴格奇Meghna的23 了解更多.


An intentional space for Indigenous 和 印第安人 students to explore the intersections of spirituality 和 identity through conversation 和 community. 联系 Vicente Blas Taijeron ' 24 卡米拉Espinosa-Short的25 了解更多信息.


Student representatives of spiritual 和 religious organizations 和 practice groups meet blockly to discuss issues of spiritual 和 religious life on campus, 促进合作项目, 探索不同信仰间的接触, 并建立社区和相互支持. 联系 牧师的办公室 了解更多信息.


Promotes the Seven Lakota/Dakota Life Values of respect, 诚实, 谦卑, 勇气, 同情, 牺牲, 和智慧. Participants 是 invited to sh是 in discussions 和 activities that promote students "Walking in Balance" through the teachings of the Medicine Wheel; mentally, 身体上的, 精神上, 和情感上. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 黛比·豪厄尔, Elder-in-Residence. 进入熏污 & 烟斗仪式政策可以找到 在这里.


Supports Muslim students on campus through Juma prayer, 社区聚会, 餐, 还有节日庆典. 关于穆斯林学生协会,请联系 Ommay Khyr的25. 关于满足饮食需求的问题, 精神和宗教支持, 和CC的穆斯林学生生活联系牧师 凯特·霍尔布鲁克 了解更多信息.


The 东正教团契 seeks to connect Orthodox Christian students as well as those interested in Orthodoxy on campus, connecting students to the two Orthodox parishes in the Colorado Springs 是a, 参与集体活动/聚餐, 和 learning more about the ancient Christian faith 和 tradition together. This group is currently in transition; please contact the 牧师的办公室 了解更多.


The 基督教和平团体 is a progressive Christian movement that seeks to provide safe 和 queer-affirming spaces for BIPOC students on campus. The collective is committed to fostering an environment that welcomes intentional discussion, 同时编织交织的主题, 社会正义, 和精神. Pax aims to revolutionize Christian thought through the lens of activism, 希望推动一个更加公正的世界. 联系 Vicente Blas Taijeron ' 24 了解更多信息.


An ancient Chinese practice to cultivate energy through sound, 可视化, 运动和促进康复. Qigong happens regularly on campus through the Chaplain’s Office, contact Chaplain 凯特·霍尔布鲁克 Springs Chi 社区 meets online Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. 联系 艾莉柯瑞尔 了解更多信息.


A Queer spirituality group 和 community exploring the intersections of spirituality, sexuality 和 queer identity in 精神上 pluralistic ways. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 Elle Triplett的24.


Is dedicated to assisting students in developing a vibrant faith alongside of others as we engage meaningful friendships, experience deep spirituality 和 express our faith by serving those around us. We 是 an Evangelical ministry in the Baptist tradition but everyone is welcome. This year will be focused on exploring different spiritual practices 和 developing authentic community. 欲了解更多信息,请联系Rev. 克里斯·内森 或者打719 314-5239给他.


An informal student discussion group with conversations covering a broad range of topics around spirituality 和 life. 向所有人开放. 每周三中午在圣地开会. 联系螺旋研究员 Vicente Blas Taijeron ' 24, 卡米拉Espinosa-Short的25, Ommay Khyr的25,或 牧师的办公室 了解更多.


联系 牧师的办公室 了解更多信息.


是学生主导的吗, Zen-style meditation group that meets weekly for meditation, 定期的佛教学习和社区活动. 联系 将霍尔兹的23 了解更多.


An open 和 affirming spiritual community that meets to explore community, 不同的精神, 灵性与正义, 一位论派的普遍性, 还有更多. 联系 加布戈迪略的25 了解更多信息.


A Christian ministry that continues Young Life's mission to introduce adolescents to Jesus Christ 和 help them grow in their faith. We do so through a dedicated team of leaders who REACH college students with the good news of God's love for them, 通过社区建立他们的信仰, 和 LAUNCH them out as leaders serving in Young Life, 工作场所, 家庭生活, 教会和上帝在世界上的使命. 更多信息请发电子邮件 艾米莉吉梅内斯 or 安迪•莫里森 (青年生活学院院长).


下午5点15分在线讨论.m. 和 then silent meditation 和 chanting on Mondays at 6 p.m., simple sitting Wednesdays 和 Saturdays at 6:30 a.m. All 是 welcome; no previous experience is required. 访问 www.smszen.org 或发邮件给Roshi 莎拉·本德 获取更多信息和缩放链接.

报告问题 - 最后更新: 08/24/2022