战略计划 Priority Themes

Designing Infrastructure

Policy, 程序, Practices

  • Creating 公平的 organizational structures by identifying and dismantling barriers such as unfair or inconsistent 政策, 程序, and practices which advantage some and disadvantage others.
  • Using assessment tools to create a constant feedback loop between data and the design of 程序, 政策, 流程, 和课程.
  • Re-envisioning committees, 团队, 校园活动, and projects so that ADEI strategies (welcoming diverse perspectives, asking difficult questions like who is not represented in the room and why, who has access and who does not, disrupting status quo and welcoming innovation) are embedded and infused into all aspects of the work.


  • Develop 系统 of accountability that offer flexibility within parameters 
  • Codify and standardize 政策, practices, and 程序
  • Preserve and equitably distribute the college’s resources
  • Develop iterative and action-oriented assessments of our organizational structures, 政策, 系统, and 程序 to identify barriers and repair gaps for marginalized populations
  • Develop academic and co-curricular experiences that foster intrinsic motivation, connect to learners’ cultural backgrounds, inspire a sense of purpose, enhance learner agency, support career aspirations, and enhance world readiness.

Cultivating Community

连接, Welcoming, 归属感

  • Promoting a sense of belonging for all
  • Increasing pro-social behaviors across campus 
  • Creating a campus culture and climate that fosters an institutional antiracist identity
  • Having courageous conversations 
  • Caring for health and wellness
  • Putting in extensive effort to recruit, hire, and retain our 工作人员, faculty, 和学生 (e.g., 指导, 训练, 公平的 搜索 流程, and admission 程序, and taking serious bias incidents, 歧视, and harassment reporting and patterns (in consideration of all protected classes). 
  • Engage in activities that encourage positive interpersonal interactions, such as team-building outings and exploration of personal and professional traits and work styles preferences 


  • Create and sustain a welcoming campus environment by increasing the compositional diversity and sense of belonging of students, 工作人员, 和老师, and cultivating diverse 社区 partnerships 
  • Take bold actions to increase the visibility of our antiracism commitment
  • Encourage the active participation of 工作人员, faculty, 和学生 with CC’s antiracism efforts
  • Foster an inclusive definition of campus educator
  • Engage in initiatives to promote a deeper sense of place, 社区, 历史, and institutional identity in 科罗拉多州 Springs and Pikes Peak region, 科罗拉多州, and regions near or adjacent to 科罗拉多州.

Building Capacity

Development, Education, Growth

  • Supporting (psychologically and monetarily) professional development, 增长, and advancement of all 社区 members.
  • Motivating all 社区 members to engage with opportunities to strengthen their awareness (checking your privilege, recognizing power, understanding the influence of your position), 知识, 和技能
  • Supporting risk-taking without negative repercussions.
  • Encouraging involvement in institutional programming, 教育, and training that adds value to the quality of work and student life. Making an intentional effort to embrace our vulnerability (permission to make mistakes/ask for help).


  • Invest in strengthening 知识 和技能 to encourage the use of assessments to inform revision and improvements.
  • Increase ADEI 知识 和技能 for all positionalities levels and with all constituencies (faculty, 工作人员, 和学生.
  • Enhance the use of inclusive, 公平的, anti-oppressive teaching strategies so that both course content and course dynamics improve classroom climates. 
  • Support and encourage engagement in ongoing learning opportunities.
Report an issue - 最后更新: 12/04/2023