Field Courses

社会学系目前在墨西哥、法国和美国开设实地课程.S.-Mexico border region. 过去的课程已经把学生带到古巴,西非,南美,美国.S.-Mexico border region, the South Pacific, and Hawai'i. 这些课程允许学生直接应用理论,并参与批判性的体验式学习.



Summer Immigration Institute (various locations)

学生们在一个类似办公室的空间里工作,座位和站立都有文件. detentionpic埃里克·波普金(Eric Popkin)教授的专注于移民活动和倡导的暑期强化学院. 学生学习当代移民政策,并与合作伙伴组织一起在移民司法领域工作. 学生们为激进组织进行战略研究,或为被拘留的移民提供法律援助. 学生们在南方贫困法律中心的东南移民自由倡议组织工作, Mijente, Grassroots Leadership, and other partner organizations.







Contemporary French Society (Toulouse, France), Block 7, 2019

通过对结构的社会学分析考察当代法国社会, culture(s), and everyday life, especially as compared to the United States. Topics include: religion/secularism, taxation and welfare, education, gender and sexuality, race and ethnicity, immigration, commerce, politics, the environment, families, work, health, leisure, food, and time. 除了阅读和讨论外,课程还着重强调通过参加当地活动和探索图卢兹市及周边乡村进行体验式学习. Taught in Toulouse, France; conducted in English.










Globalization and Immigration on the U.S. - Mexico Border (El Paso, TX and Tucson, AZ), Block 2, 2019

border19-1This course examined patterns of U.S. immigration policy in the U.S.美国-墨西哥边境地区,重点是美国非法移民的犯罪化.S. immigration and immigrants. 本课程将当代移民政策置于全球经济体系和社会运动的背景下. Through a 10-day field component, students learned on-the-ground from immigration activists, 政策倡导者和律师就他们的工作和边境地区的当代问题进行工作.




本课程回顾了发展社会学领域内的流行理论,并对拉丁美洲的新自由主义和后新自由主义发展政策进行了具体考察. Following this inquiry, 本课程在评估新社会运动理论的背景下探讨该地区基层抵抗的出现. 该课程包括在墨西哥瓦哈卡进行为期10天的实地考察.











Beza Taddess ('15) Working at a Hospital in Uganda

社会学高级专题:全球可持续发展的理论与实践(乌干达和玻利维亚), Summer 2013

This course combined classroom, workshop, 通过实习工作进行有组织的体验式学习,在更广泛的发展模式分析中了解并严格审查以社区为基础的国际发展努力. Through both theory and practice, the course engaged fundamental debates over the goals, practices, and power dynamics of international development efforts. Additionally, each student was introduced to larger social, political, economic, cultural, 以及影响当地社区发展努力的地理特征. At its core, 该课程围绕在一个从事可持续发展方面工作的社区组织进行为期9周的实习. 实习安排和国内支助由可持续发展基金会协调。.


Socio-Economic Development in Contemporary Cuba, Summer 2012

Cuba 2012

这门课程考察了古巴革命以及古巴如何使革命适应当代挑战. 该课程审查了古巴的政治经济和该国(过去和将来)为促进符合其社会主义理想的经济和社会发展所作的努力. 该课程是基于赌博正规的十大网站和哈瓦那大学之间的合作关系, 并聘请了哈瓦那大学的客座教授. The class engaged in field excursions to a clinic and a community doctor; maternity home; Museo de la Revolucion; primary school; University; urban farm; environmental organization; and much more.







Asian Americans on the Big Island: Hawai'i, Block 6, 2009Asian Americans on the Big Island

This course examined the impact of group relations, 劳动力市场和亚裔美国人经历的特定社会历史背景. 他们分析了分层模式和种族的影响, social class, and gender on educational and occupational opportunities. Historical, 社会学和文学的叙述被用来理解亚裔美国人文化和身份的保存和重建.






Polynesian Society, Block 4, 2007Polynesian Society

本课程考察当代波利尼西亚社会,并通过分析社会生活的基本组成部分,将其与美国社会进行比较, 运用基本的社会学概念阐明两种文化的一些基本特征以及它们之间的异同. 课程的后半部分在南太平洋库克群岛的拉罗汤加岛上现场授课.







本课程探讨非洲发展与欠发达的社会组织. Issues covered in the course included the role of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in failed and weak state contexts; obstacles to political development and institution building; inequality and structures of global economic integration; the politics and impact of international aid; the critical status of women and their place in development; the impact of and organizational response to AIDS; the origins, impact, and resolution of civil conflict. This field course took place in Sierra Leone.

Report an issue - Last updated: 03/15/2021