
This statement was prepared in consultation with “Women’s Studies Scholarship: A Statement by the National Women’s Studies Association Field Leadership Working Group” (“NWSA”) and the 科罗拉多大学 教师 Handbook (“Handbook”), so our expectations regarding knowledge production and intellectual contributions are conversant especially with professionals in our field, as well as our colleagues on-campus.


女权主义 & Gender Studies is rooted in the civil rights, 女性的, and student 运动 of the 1960s and 1970s and focuses on the study of cultures, 运动, and resistance to systemic and systematic inequality and oppression. 我们的领域来自, 建立在, 问题, and transforms conventional disciplinary approaches, 采取纪律, 多学科, 学科间的, and even antidisciplinary forms, 因为它是“既定的”, 在某种程度上, to transgress institutional norms in higher education” (“NWSA”). We examine “how knowers and systems of knowledge, are situated" and cultivate "reflexivity about the impact of social location, 权力不对称, and cultural contexts on the knowledge process are thus central issues” (“NWSA”), requiring us to develop new modes of inquiry and engagement, 提出关键问题, and create new knowledge that centers subjugated ontologies and epistemologies. 我们的工作, 然后, includes but is not limited to traditional scholarship and also participatory action re搜索, 各种形式的行动主义, artistic and creative expression, 公开演出, 档案研究, 实验室团队合作, and collaborative editorial work.

In tandem with our on-campus community’s definition of “scholarly achievement,” 女权主义 & Gender Studies contends its faculty must provide evidence of high-quality contributions to the field since arriving at 科罗拉多大学, which “can reflect the development of the faculty member’s re搜索 in new directions“ or “extend previous work” (“Handbook”). We also concur with the handbook that faculty contributions must be recognized by academics outside 科罗拉多大学. However, our work may also be recognized as significant by intellectuals outside the academy. 另外, while the handbook acknowledges equivalencies to peer-reviewed publications in the visual and performing arts, other equivalencies unique to 女权主义 & 性别研究包括, 但不限于, 在线期刊和博客, 专栏, 政策报告, 表演, 社区行动计划, 奖助金, 咨询, 讲座, 会议演讲, curriculum transformation projects, 的演讲, 研讨会, 和字段定义语句.

因此, assessment measures require an understanding of our field as heterogenous and must account for the “consequent variability” of our theories, 方法, 实践, 和贡献. These take multiple forms and embrace multiple genres, 语言, and collaborations within and outside the academy, posing challenges unique to those related to solitary intellectual pursuits and knowledge production.


For a successful third-year review, faculty in 女权主义 & 性别研究应该:

▪ submit at least two peer-reviewed works for review;
▪ present their work at a professional meeting or conference at least twice;
▪ present their work or contribute their expertise to an audience outside higher education, such as a non-profit organization or high school, 至少一次;
▪ and apply for at least one (internal or external) grant or fellowship.


For a successful tenure review, faculty in 女权主义 & 性别研究应该:

▪ have at least one peer-reviewed work accepted for publication since third-year review;
▪ present their work at a professional meeting or conference at least twice since third-year review;
▪ present their work or contributed their expertise to an audience outside higher education at least once since third-year review;
▪ and have received at least one (internal or external) grant or fellowship since third-year review.


For a successful promotion to 正教授, faculty in 女权主义 & 性别研究应该:

▪ have several peer-reviewed works or one major publication (such as a co-edited collection or single-authored manuscript) accepted for publication since tenure review;
▪ present their work at a professional meeting or conference at least three times since tenure review;
▪ present their work or contributed their expertise to an audience outside higher education at least three times since tenure review;
▪ have received at least two (internal or external) 奖助金 or fellowships since tenure review;
▪ and have served in a position of leadership in a professional organization.


Other forms of scholarly achievement acceptable in 女权主义 & Gender Studies may be identified by the candidate in their statement on scholarship and by the Program Director or Steering Committee Chair.

Revised October 2021 in consultation with Dr. Peony Fhagen, Senior Associate Dean for Equity, Inclusion, & 教师发展.

报告问题 - 最后更新: 05/30/2022