

Although off-campus programs are often a valuable enhancement to the 艺术 主要, the Department strongly recommends that students take as many courses as possible at 科罗拉多大学.  No more than three transfer units taken off-campus or at a不her institution can be counted towards the 艺术 主要.  Only one of these courses can be an online course from a不her institution. In cases of extenuating circumstances, students 五月 petition the Department for an exception. 

这是每个艺术专业学生的责任, 在开始一个校外学习项目之前, to check with the Registrar and the 艺术 Department Chair to find out how much credit off-campus courses will receive, and which courses will be counted toward the 艺术 主要.  学生 must follow the procedures outlined by the Registrar. 


The Department can不 make a determination about the appropriateness of any course for the 主要 unless the student provides a full, 有关课程的官方描述. The 艺术 Department 五月 decide to reserve judgment regarding the acceptability of certain courses until the student returns to campus and presents classwork for evaluation (i.e., a portfolio for studio courses and papers, assignments, and 不es for art history courses). 学生 should therefore save all classwork and related materials. 学生 who are considering an 艺术 主要 and non-主要s taking credits in 艺术 off-campus should follow the same procedure.


Transfer students should consult with the 艺术 Department regarding credits from other institutions. We require that transfer students take at least four 科罗拉多大学 courses plus senior seminar/senior thesis in the area of their concentration (art history or art studio) regardless of how many credits in art history or art studio they 五月 have taken elsewhere.



希望获得艺术系学位的学生 主要 credit for non-CC courses taken abroad or off-campus must obtain approval in advance from the 艺术 Department. Course approval requests should be submitted via Summit.

A maximum of three CC units of art taken at a不her institution or on a study abroad program 五月 be counted towards the 艺术 主要. Non-CC courses taken off-campus can不 be counted towards an 艺术 or 艺术 History .

课程 that are taken abroad or at other institutions 五月 be used to meet an elective requirement for either the 艾达跟踪 or 博物馆研究课程 主修艺术. 然而, since the choice of electives is tailored to each student’s plan for completing the 主要, the approval of these elective credits will be decided on an individual, student-by-student basis in conversation with your advisor, 确实如此  possible to request or receive approval for these electives using Summit, 由于选修课的个性化.

If the Department approves a particular course for credit toward the 主要, the Department will grant only the number of units granted by the 赌博正规的十大网站注册主任.  学生 should be aware that 1 unit = 4 semester hours.  3个学时的课程相当于 .75cc单位.  其他公式适用于季度或三个月的课程. The 艺术 Department will waive ¼ unit of a requirement for the 主要 for a single art course taken at a不her institution. This one-time waiver will be granted at the Department’s discretion, 因为不是所有的课程都符合资格. 其他转移 .75门课程也算 .主修75个单位.


The Registrar 五月 grant 科罗拉多大学 credit for outstanding scores on AP and IB exams.  While these credits count towards the 32 units for graduation, 不计入艺术专业.



艺术 主要s frequently go on to graduate work in creative disciplines, and while this is 不 the primary goal of our program we do everything possible to challenge students with such plans and to advise them appropriately. 而一些高年级学生则直接申请研究生课程, most spend several years after graduation developing a portfolio and re搜索ing specific programs to ensure an appropriate match. 我们鼓励这样做, as added maturity and experience generally make a candidate more compelling to competitive graduate programs and ensure that the experience will be rewarding. Young alumni engaged in graduate study are frequently brought to campus to speak with our current students about their experiences.

Graduates wishing to have faculty here write letters of recommendation for them are advised to make contact with us early in the process to ensure that deadlines are met and that we have sufficient updated materials. These would include letters of application, slide portfolios, etc.



We recommend that students 不 take introductory (100-level) courses with significant overlap, 例如, AH115和AH120, 没有咨询他们的顾问.

有些工作室课程可以选修多次, but only with the consent of the student’s advisor and the instructor of the course. 




艺术 主要s are encouraged to participate in the various opportunities presented by the 艺术s and Crafts program and Bemis School of 艺术, but adjunct courses in 艺术 Studio do 不 count towards the 艺术 主要. 


学生 doing double 主要s in 艺术 and a不her department 五月 count no more than three courses in both 主要s (this is an all-college rule).

报告问题 - 最后更新: 07/13/2022