Colorado College Unmanned Aircraft System Policy

The operation of an unmanned aircraft system (UAS), commonly referred to as a drone, is regulated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). As a private institution, 赌博正规的十大网站制定了以下政策,以管理任何人从学院校园或物业或以上的无人机操作. 该政策适用于赌博正规的十大网站拥有、租用、租赁或控制的任何和所有财产.

Responsible office
Information Technology Services
Responsible party
Vice President for Information Technology Services / CTO
Last revision
May 2018
Approved by
The Cabinet
Approval date
April 2018
Effective date
May 2018
Last review
May 2018
Additional references
美国联邦航空局小型无人机规则(14 CFR Part 107)和美国联邦航空局模型飞机特别规则


所有涉及校园内社区成员的财务和行政政策, including volunteers are within the scope of this policy. 如果在部门期望和大学政策中描述的共同方法之间存在差异, the college will look to the campus community, 支持包括志愿者在内的大学政策的精神和目标. Unless specifically mentioned in a college policy, the college’s Board of Trustees are governed by their Bylaws.


制定本政策是为了要求并确保遵守所有适用法律, reduce safety risks, 保护赌博正规的十大网站社区成员的安全和隐私.  本政策主要响应美国联邦航空局的指导方针和要求,促进安全和负责任的使用无人驾驶飞机.  All faculty, staff, students, contractors, volunteers, the general public present on Colorado College campus and property, 以及任何可能参与在科罗拉多大学校园或物业或以上操作无人机的人都受此政策约束.  除以下情况外,严禁在校园内外或校园建筑内使用无人机.  Any suspected violations are to be reported to Campus Safety.

Administrative, Educational or Research Use

  • The use of drones is permitted for administrative, 教育和研究目的,在这里概述以下条件.
  • 所有教育和研究无人机的使用必须只在指南中指定的区域进行 Drone Pilots map:
    • 在这些区域之外的任何无人机操作都必须遵循下面概述的管理使用.
  • 所有无人机使用必须遵循程序部分概述的审查和批准程序,并在使用无人机之前至少48小时做出决定.
  • All requests must include information on the date/time, purpose, and length of drone operations, as well as the area of the campus where the drone will be used.
    • Pilot responsibilities:
      • Must comply with all federal, state and city laws.
      • 没有第107部分认证的授权个人只能在经过认证的第107部分飞行员在场的情况下操作无人机.
      • 不得在公众集会区域、体育场或施工区域操作.
      • Must not photograph, video, 或者监视其他大学社区成员或普通公众成员有合理隐私期望的区域.
      • If conducted by a non-CC employee, 操作人员必须提供飞机责任保险证书,最低限额为1美元,000,000 and name Colorado College as an additional insured.
    • Any violations of law (trespassing, illegal surveillance, 鲁莽的危害)或违反赌博正规的十大网站政策可能会使个人(s)受到刑事和/或根据教师的纪律处分, staff, and student processes.

Hobby or Recreational Use:

  • 在赌博正规的十大网站的财产上使用无人机用于业余爱好或娱乐用途是允许的,必须遵守所有联邦和当地的使用规定. Acceptable areas for drone use is designated in the Guide for Drone Pilots map:
    • 在这些区域之外的任何无人机操作都必须遵循上面概述的行政使用.
    • Hobbyist responsibilities:
      • Must comply with all federal, state and city laws.
      • 不得在公众集会区域、体育场或施工区域操作.
      • Must not photograph, video, 或者监视其他大学社区成员或普通公众成员有合理隐私期望的区域.

Civil Operations/Commercial Use:

  • All civil (commercial, contract, 或大学拥有的)操作无人机必须遵守所有联邦(FAA), state, and local laws. 允许机构使用商业拥有的无人驾驶飞机系统, educational or research purposes.
    • 是否必须在无人机使用前至少48小时获得批准.
    • 无人机操作员必须提供责任保险证书,最低单一限额为1美元,000,000 and name Colorado College as an additional insured.
    • 商业运营商(学院或合同)必须提交包含日期的“飞行计划”, time, 和飞行持续时间和操作区域48小时前开始无人机飞行.
  • 合约经营者必须由学院代表全程陪同.
  • 无人机不得在公众集会、运动场或人口稠密地区上空操作.
  • The drone is not permitted to photograph, video, 或监控学院的其他成员对隐私有合理期望的区域. (See above).
  • Any violations of law (trespassing, illegal surveillance, 鲁莽危害)或违反学院政策可能使个人受到刑事和/或纪律处分. 对学校财产或个人造成的损害/伤害将由无人机操作员负责.



  • 必须确定将赞助/支持该请求的赌博正规的十大网站部门和代表. Approval from the division/cabinet member is required.
  • Completion of the UAS/Drone Use Approval Form:
  • 申请必须在计划飞行日期前至少14天提交,以便在计划飞行后48小时内获得批准.
    • 将表格通过DocuSign或电子邮件直接寄给教育解决方案主任
    • The proposed flight plan, drone and FAA information, and proof of insurance are to be included with the request form.
  • 审查委员会包括来自ITS、风险管理和校园安全的代表
  • 批准或不批准的决定将通过电子邮件传达给请求者.


  • Drone users must only fly for hobby or recreation purposes.
  • The drone must be registered with the FAA as a model aircraft.
  • Drone must be flown within visual line-of-sight.
  • 无人机用户有责任遵循基于社区的安全准则.
  • Drone must be less than 55 lbs.
  • Drone users should not fly near other aircraft.
  • 在适用的情况下,用户在机场5英里范围内飞行前,有责任通知机场和航空交通管制塔.
  • Drone users most not fly near emergency response efforts.


Report an issue - Last updated: 12/16/2020