


All financial and administrative policies involving community members across campus, including volunteers are within the scope of this policy. If there is a variance between departmental expectations and the common approach described through college policy, the college will look to the campus community, including volunteers to support the spirit and the objectives of college policy. Unless specifically mentioned in a college policy, the college’s 校董会 are governed by their Bylaws.


All students are expected to meet the college’s standards for academic performance. These are in place to keep students on track towards meeting the graduation requirements of the college (32 credits with a cumulative GPA of 2.0). 学生 who do not meet 科罗拉多大学 academic standards may be put on probation or suspended from the College.

每年在4号和8号街区, the Dean's Advisory Committee meets to review students’ academic records. The Dean’s Advisory Committee uses the following guidelines when reviewing academic progress:

First- and second-year students are encouraged to earn at least six units of credit during each of their first two years. Third- and fourth-year students are encouraged to earn at least seven units taken in any two consecutive semesters (spring and fall, 秋季和春季).

Normally, students complete a degree program within four years. However, the college recognizes that individual circumstances may warrant exceptions. The above guidelines will not apply to students who take less than normal academic loads for reasons such as illness, 个人问题, or other pre-approved reasons. These students should obtain a written waiver from the Dean of the College.

学生 failing to meet the requirements of satisfactory progress toward the degree may be liable for the following:


Academic warning informs students that they are not progressing toward completion of their degree in a satisfactory manner.

学生 who do not meet the minimum grade point average (GPA) for the semester or pass the minimum number of units (see satisfactory academic policy) in a semester may be placed on 学术警告.

学生 who earn one or more NC (No Credit/Failing) grades in a semester may be placed on 学术警告 as well.


学生 on 学术警告 who do not meet the minimum GPA or units earned for the following semester or who receive a No Credit in one or more courses may be placed on 留校察看 for the next semester.

While on 留校察看, students must achieve a 2.0 GPA for the semester and pass four classes with a C– or better with no grade of Incomplete (I) in any of the four classes. The latter must be achieved for the student to be removed from academic probation.

学生 on 留校察看 will be required to schedule an appointment and meet with their academic advisor each term to discuss degree progress and course scheduling.


学生 on 留校察看 who do not meet the minimum GPA or units earned for the following semester or who receive a No Credit in one or more courses may be placed on 学术悬挂 for the next academic year.

学术悬挂 is entered on a student’s transcript as a part of the academic record.

Suspended students meet with the Dean of the College to arrange for approval to take course work at another college/university during their suspension. The Dean of the College also will define the conditions for determining their readiness to return.

While on Suspension, students approved to take course work:

  • 必须得2分.75 cumulative GPA in all transferable course work.
  • Should consult their academic advisor to discuss appropriate course work.
  • Should use the time off to directly address and resolve the factors that contributed to the academic performance difficulties.

After a one-year absence from the college, a suspended student may apply to the Dean of the College for reinstatement.

学生 will not be considered for reinstatement unless they have demonstrated significant improvement in academic performance at the college/university level and/or considerable and positive change in personal circumstances.    


A student is subject to 学术解雇 from the college whenever his or her academic performance is so low as to make the completion of a 科罗拉多大学 degree unlikely.





报告问题 - 最后更新: 02/10/2023