Russian and Eurasian Studies

Applicable for the 2023-2024 academic year.

Russian and Eurasian Studies Website

Advisors; Professors KOLARIK, SCHEINER, GOULD; Associate Professor PAVLENKO

Russian和欧亚研究(RES)是一个隶属于历史系的跨学科项目, 政治科学, Comparative Literature, 艺术, and the Department of Chinese, 德国, 意大利, Japanese and Russian Studies. 该计划的重点是从中欧和东欧,通过Russian和中亚的广度延伸到欧亚大陆东北部的地区. We study the histories, 语言, 政治, 经济体, 以及世界上一个重要地区的文化,长期以来一直被冷战的智力和方法论紧张所掩盖. The program provides a background for careers in law, 教学, public and foreign service, international business, and the domestic and international nonprofit sector. 它还为学生在区域研究和语言教学方面的研究生培训做准备. RES sponsors a variety of activities such as a speaker series, 电影, 以及其他与俄语馆有关的文化活动. For more complete descriptions of the courses noted below, please refer to the catalog entries for the appropriate departments.


To fulfill the program major, students must complete a total of 12个单元:

  • 四个 units in a relevant language and 两个 文学单位;
  • 三个 社会科学部的相关课程单元(这些课程中至少有一门必须是该地区的历史课程);
  • 两个 units in related courses in any division;
  • 强烈鼓励各专业学生修读本专业直接要求以外的其他学科相关课程;
  • Capstone requirement: Advanced Seminar in Russian and Eurasian Studies (RS400 or PS tutorial: PS410; PS412; PS470). This course is required for all majors, 并将导致完成一篇扩展论文或独立研究项目, 基于大量的原创研究和/或学生在该地区的实习经历. 学生将在一年一度的师生研讨会上发表这篇文章.


长篇论文, 30 - 50页, can focus on any topic pertaining to the Russian language, 文学, 和文化, as well as to Russian and Eurasian 历史, 政治, 和经济学. The essay must demonstrate:

  1. 学生对原始语言(俄语和/或该地区的其他语言)的主要资料的掌握;
  2. Knowledge of the current state of re搜索 in the chosen subject,
  3. 对所选主题的观点进行论证的能力.


Essay should be printed double-spaced throughout, 包括脚注, 尾注, and list of references.

All citations or paraphrase based citations must be documented.

In matters of style, follow the latest MLA standards (e.g.,

论文下午三点前交.m. on the first Monday of Block 8.


To fulfill the program minor, students must complete a total of 6单元 如下:

  • 两个 units of relevant language;
  • 一个 地区历史单位
  • 三个 units in related courses in any division;


Russian and Eurasian Studies

这门半单元课程是为那些想要提高俄语沟通能力并计划学习的学生而开设的, 工作, 或者去Russian旅行. Using the Communicative Approach, 本课程旨在达到中级或更高水平的口语流利程度(ACTFL量表), 听, and 阅读 comprehension. Through viewings and discussions of popular Russian 电影 and texts on cultural studies (The Russian Context; The Russian’s World), 本课程将探讨Russian人和美国人在文化和历史背景知识和假设方面的显著差异. The students will learn and practice the Russian norms of conduct, such as proper ways of greeting, negotiating levels of formality, and the etiquette of telephone and written communications, 以及表达感谢和提出投诉的适当语言和程序. By the end of the course, students will have broadened their understanding of Russian grammar, 词汇表, and norms of conduct; they will have learned more ways of accurately expressing and conducting themselves in a broad range of situations. (Not offered 2024-25).


这门半单元课程是为那些想要提高俄语沟通能力并计划学习的学生而开设的, 工作, 或者去Russian旅行. Using the Communicative Approach, 本课程旨在达到中级或更高水平的口语流利程度(ACTFL量表), 听, and 阅读 comprehension. Through viewings and discussions of popular Russian 电影 and texts on cultural studies (The Russian Context; The Russian’s World), 本课程将探讨Russian人和美国人在文化和历史背景知识和假设方面的显著差异. The students will learn and practice the Russian norms of conduct, such as proper ways of greeting, negotiating levels of formality, and the etiquette of telephone and written communications, 以及表达感谢和提出投诉的适当语言和程序. By the end of the course, students will have broadened their understanding of Russian grammar, 词汇表, and norms of conduct; they will have learned more ways of accurately expressing and conducting themselves in a broad range of situations. (Not offered 2024-25).


Survey of the Soviet and Russian Cinema by (or about) Russian women, 从早期的苏联宣传电影开始,到现在的Russian版超现实主义电影结束. The course traces the evolution of Russian women, their changing self-awareness; it explores the conflict between the externally imposed role, and the women's own conception of her self and her destiny. 通过符号学和话语方法的棱镜来分析电影. (希望提高俄语水平并有能力观看的学生, 读, 写, 用俄语讲这些电影,我是在和指导老师商量后报名参加RU311课程的.)前提条件:无. 一个单位. Meets the Critical Learning: AIM requirement. Meets the Critical Learning: HP requirement. (Not offered 2024-25).


This course is required of all majors, 并将导致完成一篇扩展论文或独立研究项目, 基于大量的原创研究和/或学生在该地区的实习经历. 学生将在一年一度的师生研讨会上发表这篇文章.



Introduction to the Russian culture, 历史, and current affairs through the study of the Russian language. 本课程着重于听力中功能性社会文化能力的发展, 说话, 阅读和写作. Meets the Language Requirement requirement.


本课程旨在建立在RU101中获得的能力和技能的基础上,并为学生继续学习中级俄语(RU201)做好准备。. Meets the Language Requirement requirement.






Focus on development of four communicative skills (说话, 听力, 阅读 comprehension, 写作),通过互动活动和综合利用Russian流行电影. (符合批判性观点:多元文化和批评的要求.) (This course is also offered during the CC program in Russia.) Meets the Critical Perspectives: Global Cultures requirement. Meets the Language Requirement requirement.


Emphasis on active control of basic grammatical structures, 阅读, 短文, and discussions based on popular Russian 电影. (符合批判性观点:多元文化和批评的要求.) (This course is also offered during the CC program in Russia.) Meets the Critical Perspectives: Global Cultures requirement.


对小说时代之前代表Russian文学传统的具有历史意义的叙事的调查:从基辅时代的教会文本, 通过巴洛克风格, 的分裂, 第一个传记, 世俗的故事, Russian Enlightenment (emergence of satire), to Russian Romanticism and the beginning of Realism (Pushkin, 莱蒙托夫, 和果戈理). (英语授课.) Meets the Critical Perspectives: Global Cultures requirement. Meets the Critical Learning: AIM requirement. Meets the Critical Learning: HP requirement.


RU255续作, 本课程通过现实主义的视角审视解放后的俄国(1861年), 以及以Russian现代主义为代表的苏联和后苏联时期, 社会主义现实主义, and Postmodernism (Dostoevsky, 托尔斯泰, 契诃夫, 高尔基, 普拉东诺夫, 布尔加科夫, 索尔仁尼琴, 托尔斯塔亚等). Meets the Critical Perspectives: Global Cultures requirement. Meets the Critical Learning: AIM requirement. Meets the Critical Learning: HP requirement. (Not offered 2024-25).


强化口语自我表达和理解,以现代标准俄语的文学和视听资源为基础. (在Russian授课.) Meets the Language Requirement requirement.


继续努力掌握现代标准俄语的口语和书面语. (在Russian授课.) Meets the Language Requirement requirement.


Review and maintenance of the existing skills in conversation, 听 comprehension, 阅读, 和写作.


Review and maintenance of the existing skills in conversation, 听 comprehension, 阅读, 和写作.




为希望阅读文学或提高俄语个人技能的学生. (可作为一个单元或半单元或作为一个学期的扩展格式课程. e., 311, 312.)


阅读、讨论和比较分析Russian两位最伟大的小说家. Cast as irreconcilable geniuses al读y by their contemporaries, Dostoevsky as “the seer of spirit,” and 托尔斯泰 as “the seer of flesh,“他们的文本继续用有争议的艺术方法挑战我们, 挑衅的问题, and divergent statements about Russian identity, Russia’s historical mission, 西方国家, and the nature of Christianity. (英语授课.) Meets the Critical Learning: AIM requirement. (Not offered 2024-25).


报告问题 - 最后更新: 07/12/2023